A blank space.

Poetry old stained papers inked in letters

Watch me
lose bits of myself for you..
As I give all that I am
for you
To be

And slowly fade away
like letters inked on a piece of paper
soaked in tender tears
bleeding away a little thinner
an outline
a barely perceptible shadow
And then,
only a faint sense
of Absence.

A blank space
where you lift your head up
look around
for something that was
and is.

Reminding you
of our
Timeless Love.


6 responses to “A blank space.”

  1. poetthatlikesvellum Avatar

    I like how the poet here turns around the idea of self-sacrifice in the theme, or in the transitive verb, of love; it’s specifically in the statement, or image, of written words, which gives this specific piece an element of metapoetry, or ars poetica, the art commenting specifically on the act itself. And while it isn’t mentioned particularly, I imagine though the author might be writing about another lost art and that of the epistle and where those separate acts of selfless reflection make us sentimental, for what once was, reminiscing over the past, and the nostalgia of an experience past, which brings an openness and tenderness in this poet’s voice that’s appreciated. Thanks, for sharing.

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    1. I have never had someone speak deeply their thoughts on a written piece here. It’s like looking at the same piece in a whole new garb.
      I like to keep what the author or the poets think a secret, and poems a form of reflecting and exploring your own realms…so these written words have already taken new meaning in you…and anyone else who reads it. I see them as no longer only mine once I have let them go. They have given me everything I needed at the time of writing… they will always be precious for being.
      Thank you for writing your thoughts… ❤ I enjoyed it, truly.
      Do you write? I looked around on your profile but didn't find a link.

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      1. poetthatlikesvellum Avatar


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  2. I was flowing with your words.. beautiful poetry

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